
Showing posts from December, 2022

Creative Critical Reflection (CCR)

 1-   The film uses average romance conventions. It uses basic stereotypes that would be expected in a romance film. Like for example, in romance films it would be expected to see the two main characters to be the ones to fall in love. The story line of  an average romances often revolves around two characters being in love. either having hardships/ problems that get in the way of the characters love  for each other, or a slow burn where both  sides slowly realize feelings for each other have bloomed. There are many romance tropes, but these are the ones I’ve seen the most are about. Romance films are more emotional based rather than thrill, horror, science, etc. Romances almost always end with happy endings, where both of the charcters end up together and happy.  There are a few rare occasions where both characters don’t end up together and are separated by means out of control of the characters. Ei: a character moving away or a character dying  to an illness. The film  I filmed with

Music video

 The final product! Thank you for sticking around. I hope you enjoy.

production blog

 December 15th. Today is the last day we have to  blog about our music video. The music video is due on Monday. By now there is not much I can do on my part for the music video. Since i was in charge of story boards and filming. There isn’t much left for me to do at this stage. I’ve pretty much gotten it all out of the way. I am just waiting for Julianna to finish the editing so we can all review it. Reviewing the editing is one of my favorite parts of the process. Seeing all our clips together forming a film really shows us all our hard work. It shows how much are efforts really paid off.  The editing really finishes up the film and takes it from something plain to something amazing.  I’m excited to see how Julianna choose to edit the video. Juliana is a great editor. I am going to try to get on a call with them later. To check up on the editing and see how it’s going. I’m glad the due date is getting closer. This will all soon be over. I have really enjoyed working on this music vide

production blog

It is December 14th.  All the clips had to be re sent . Plus the new clip I took of the pan had to be cropped and sent so it would replace the other one. Apparently Juliana  didn’t get the videos the first time I sent them . I think I might have sent them to the wrong email. Hopefully not. Resending the video was not a hard task. Since they had already been cropped since. They were cropped and ready from the first time I sent them. I just had to re find them in my gallery and send them again. I sent all the clips again. It took around 10-15 minutes. It wasn’t as bad as the first time I sent them. The first time I had crop them. But now the work was all done for me. By me!! From the past. Now that all clips have been sent and confirmation of them being received has been provided. Julianna can start editing. From Brazil!! Julianna was not very keen on having to edit on vacation but who would blame them.. I wouldn’t want to do school work on vacation either. I admire their efforts and bel

production blog

 December 13th, 2022. I was looking through the recordings making sure the clips were ok and that the audio wasn’t messed up before sending them. After I looked through them all I realized a clip of a pan was missing. I quickly messaged George and Juliana to tell them. We were all in panic for a brief moment. We didn’t know what we were gonna do or how we were gonna incorporate it in. Since Julianna was in Brazil we couldn’t record any clips with them in it. George brought  up an idea to incorporate it in. George suggested one of redid our personal clip and got a pan of our room. This was a great idea. It didn’t require us to redo all of our prerecorded clips.the only issue was choosing who was going to re-record the clip. We were all hesitant to do it. In the end I ended up volunteering to do it. I cleaned my room and asked my sister to record the clip for me again.  She hesitantly agreed.  We had to re-record and get a pan of the room and then of me receiving the message. We were abl

production blog

 Filming blog: separate  There is one clip in our story board that had to be filmed separately. Now that all the other clips that we needed Juliana in were done we could record the separate clips on our time. The clip consists of a group of  friends chatting in a group chat and asking to hang out. this was left to be the last clip since we weren’t on a big time crunch and it didn’t require us to meet up. This was the easiest clip we have record for this mv. We will all have to record a video of ourself receiving the text. Then the clips will be edited and will transition to the clip of us all hanging out. I filmed this clip I’m my room and asked my sister to help me hold the camera over my shoulder so the text was visible. The clip had to be re taken  because I kept getting unwanted notifications. I had to go through the process of asking my friend to unsend and resend the message for all the times I messed up. But in the end I got  a decent clip. This process had to Ben repeated by al

production blog

 Filming blog: the park On December 11th  my group and I got together to film. For our filming location we choose a park since it fit the mood of our song. I was in charge of filming. I filmed everything on my phone. We didn’t have that many scenes missing since we had already previously recorded. We walked around the park while I filmed George and Juliana. There was a few times we had to re do  the recording because of the lighting. George and Julianna walked around the park acting out everything on the story board and I followed filming. It was a bit difficult to match their walking speed and to  record steadily but I managed. There were times where they would walk away too fast and didn’t give me enough time to walk back to them. Regardless of everything by the end of the day we had all but one clip that we needed. After we finished filming me and my group walked to Dairy Queen where we got ice cream. All the recordings were on my phone so I was in charge of sending them to Julianna

production blog

Filming blog: after school  On December 9th  we started recording. My group and I scheduled to record after school. I was only going to film so I didn’t have to come in any costume. The only problem with the day we choose was that it was a day I had a drama meet.  One of our team members didn’t show up so it was only the three of us. George, Juliana, and me. I couldn’t make it for first half of the recording because of the  drama meet so George and Julianna had to wing it. I was in charge of recording scenes for them since it was only the 3 of us and they were the stars of the show. I met up with them after the drama meet at Dairy Queen. We walked to an empanada place near the school and got food before I recorded a scene for them. I’m not the best at holding the camera still but I tried to keep it as steady as I could and made sure to get all the right angles we needed. When we finished eating we then all walked out and I recorded another scene of them walking together right outside t