production blog

 Filming blog: the park

On December 11th  my group and I got together to film. For our filming location we choose a park since it fit the mood of our song. I was in charge of filming. I filmed everything on my phone. We didn’t have that many scenes missing since we had already previously recorded. We walked around the park while I filmed George and Juliana. There was a few times we had to re do  the recording because of the lighting. George and Julianna walked around the park acting out everything on the story board and I followed filming. It was a bit difficult to match their walking speed and to  record steadily but I managed. There were times where they would walk away too fast and didn’t give me enough time to walk back to them. Regardless of everything by the end of the day we had all but one clip that we needed. After we finished filming me and my group walked to Dairy Queen where we got ice cream. All the recordings were on my phone so I was in charge of sending them to Julianna so they could edit while they were in Brazil. At first I tried to email the pictures to them but unfortunately the videos were too long. I had to crop them and send them all individually. It was a tedious and annoying process. All of the videos were about +3 minutes long and they all had to be cropped to be less than a minute. Although they were all long videos not everything in them were going to be used. A lot of the videos I sent/took were back ups in case the Maine clips came out wrong. Since this is the only chance to film with Julianna here we had to have more than one clip in case something went wrong. 


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