production blog

It is December 14th.  All the clips had to be re sent . Plus the new clip I took of the pan had to be cropped and sent so it would replace the other one. Apparently Juliana  didn’t get the videos the first time I sent them . I think I might have sent them to the wrong email. Hopefully not. Resending the video was not a hard task. Since they had already been cropped since. They were cropped and ready from the first time I sent them. I just had to re find them in my gallery and send them again. I sent all the clips again. It took around 10-15 minutes. It wasn’t as bad as the first time I sent them. The first time I had crop them. But now the work was all done for me. By me!! From the past. Now that all clips have been sent and confirmation of them being received has been provided. Julianna can start editing. From Brazil!! Julianna was not very keen on having to edit on vacation but who would blame them.. I wouldn’t want to do school work on vacation either. I admire their efforts and believe they can get the editing done before the due date . Our music video is almost done !!!


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