production blog

 December 13th, 2022. I was looking through the recordings making sure the clips were ok and that the audio wasn’t messed up before sending them. After I looked through them all I realized a clip of a pan was missing. I quickly messaged George and Juliana to tell them. We were all in panic for a brief moment. We didn’t know what we were gonna do or how we were gonna incorporate it in. Since Julianna was in Brazil we couldn’t record any clips with them in it. George brought  up an idea to incorporate it in. George suggested one of redid our personal clip and got a pan of our room. This was a great idea. It didn’t require us to redo all of our prerecorded clips.the only issue was choosing who was going to re-record the clip. We were all hesitant to do it. In the end I ended up volunteering to do it. I cleaned my room and asked my sister to record the clip for me again.  She hesitantly agreed.  We had to re-record and get a pan of the room and then of me receiving the message. We were able to get the clip on the first try and boom! Crisis averted. Everything has been double checked and we have all the techniques and angles we need. We also have enough clips for the video to reach 1 min. All that is left is to edit. Everything is coming along. 



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