Genre conventions blog: action

 The action genre is one where the main character is thrown through a series of obstacles such as physical feats, combats, and chases. Its subgenres include adventure and disaster among others. Common Camera Angles, Movements, and Shots: During emotional scenes, Extreme close-ups shots eye levels angles are common to show internal turmoil High angles and low angles are especially used to establish that clear good guy / bad guy convention that is common in action films. Extreme long shots will be used to establish the scenes and locations. Tracking, especially using a dolly, is common to follow fight scenes to create intensity in the movement. Common Mis-En-Sen:Often set in disheveled or clinically perfect settings; at one extreme or the otherThe lighting dims depending on emotion; darker if a negative emotion.Props :accurate to the time period and location, but often include weaponry such as guns, swords, etc. Actors and characters are often dirty or spotless, portraying a serious tone. Gore is commonly depicted and often anatomically correct. Common Editing:Oftentimes,  fast cutting is used when there's an elaborate action sequence. Establishing shots show where the setting is and where the action will be happening before zooming in to the more specific location. Continuity editing is used when specific events are occurring like car chases. CGI editing comes into place to make things look more realistic, like an explosion in an action movie (oftentimes action movies will include dangerous situations). Common SoundHuman voices are the main sound included, often favoring low male voices. Lots of diegetic background noise to establish the setting, i.e a crowded room.Non-diegetic sound is made in a studio for gunshots and other loud noises.Studios will often commission artists for a soundtrack. Classic rock songs are also popular and often used for comedic effects. Soundtracks often focus largely on rhythm, pacing it with the intensity of the scene.Example Films: Uncharted (2022) ,Top Gun Maverick (2022) , and Bullet Train (2022).Positive Elements:Action is positive in that the camera angles are extremely common and most films are action or have action elements making it easy to film. I like the use of classic rock as a soundtrack and the cutting of action scenes has always kept me interested in action movies that would appeal to an audience. Negative Elements:However, the props (especially weaponry) are more complex and would be difficult for a less technical project such as this one. Additionally, this genre focuses extremely on following conventions as supposed to others that allow more leeway for choice and innovation. This means that almost all of it will fall into a say stereotype just by fitting into the genre which is not as interesting as others such as horror or thriller. 


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