
Showing posts from February, 2023

Title blog

 For the opening credits to our film, the font that we would like to use will be ITC Serif Gothic Heavy that passes by in the background, such as in a moving scene, or in a still scene where it will most likely appear and disappear as the scene changes. The credits will have a black color with perhaps a red undertone to give that ominous and a slight feeling of unease. The trigger for the credits will most likely be a cutaway or during a tracking shot. We will most likely title our film “Syrian” or “Blue.” The title will be shown in big bold letters to make it stand out. Our plan is to have the title in a red color if its “Syrian” and in blue if it’s called “Blue.” Normally, the names of the person under a certain job will be larger, as well as the name of the position will be in bold such as if the person is a producer, it will be (12 font) Production by: (18 font) [Person]. Our main program usage will consist of many Adobe Products, such as Adobe Affects and Adobe Premier. This isn’t


 Script for Final Task: Scene 1:  (A phone rings as Jocelyn walks out) (The phone gets louder as the actor ignores the phone ringing) (Jocelyn picks up the phone after visible annoyance) Scene 2: Jocelyn: (sigh) Hey, are you almost here? Juliana: (on the phone) Yeah I’m coming into the parking Jocelyn: (still on the phone) Took you long enough. Scene 3: (No dialogue) (The sound of a car pulling up occurs) Scene 4: (Jocelyn opens the door to the car) Jocelyn: That took you long enough, what if I died? Juliana: Calm down, don’t exaggerate. (Jocelyn gets in and closes the door) Scene 5: (Music plays on the radio as the car drives home) Juliana: Soo… are you just going to say nothing? Jocelyn: You took forever to pick me up and you expect me to talk to you? Juliana: You know your stubbornness won’t get you anywhere, right? Jocelyn: I guess not. Scene 6: (Jocelyn and Juliana approach the house) (The sound of the car wheels breaking) Juliana: Well, this

planning blog : location & schedule

 we had a difficult time choosing a location for planning. The location we chose to film at was Juliana house. We chose her house because it was the most ideal. her house is big enough and the most flexible to work with. we plan on all trying to get together to film at their house.  We want to on film outside her house, maybe in her car and inside of her house. That is the only location we plan on filming for now. we choose these locations because we felt it was the easiest to work with. We plan on only having 2 people participate in being filmed and maybe one person on call. Jean will be the murderer in the opening scene and will be wearing a mask. Juliana will be the victim being killed in the opening scene. We plan on George being on the phone with Juliana as she walks into her house but that can change to Jocelyn. The problem is we plan on having either George or Jocelyn driving Juliana home we haven't decided because we aren't sure if Jocelyn will be able to make it to fil

Title research: underwater

 One of the opening sequences that our group decided to research from the 2020 film "Underwater." Our group used the site "Art of the Title" in order to research and view the title sequence from the film. The film's genre was a horror, action, sci-fi, falling under the genre we wished to make. In the opening sequence, titles displaed in the sequence include the company presenting it, the subsidaries of the film, the title of the film, the Music By, Edited By, Names of Actors, Casting By, Visual Effects Supervisor, Production Designer, Director of Photography, Executive Producer, Produced By, Story By, Screenplay By, Directed By. During the sequence, the images priorirized included documents such as maps and news articles. No people were shown in the sequence, it seemed to be mostly blueprints and plans. The connotation that the images in the sequence carried included a sense of growing dread, as if something was going to occur. The articles seemed to continuousl

Title research: random acts of violence

 One of the opening sequences that we decided to research was from the 2020 film "Ramdom Acts of Violence." We used the website "Art of the Title" in order to view and research on the opening sequence of the film. The film is a horror movie, which correlates with the genre we are aiming to create. Within the opening sequence, the titles that were displayed in the first few minutes were the company's name, the director (or in this case "A Film By..."), Casting By, Music By, Costume Designer, Editor, Additional Editing By, Production Designer, Director of Photography, Co-Producer, Co-Executive, Executive Producer, Produced By, Illustrated By, Written By, and Directed By, amongst other titles within the sequence. In the sequence, there weren't really any images prioritized. The sequence was filled with a lot colors, but not to the point that the titles of the team for the movie was unreadable, but to the point where it was extremely noticable, almost

title research :halloween

 An opening sequence that our group decided to research was the classic film, remade in 2018, "Halloween." The site that our group used to research and view the opening sequence of the film was "Art of the Title." The film fell under the genre "horror," which is why our group decided to research into it. In the opening sequence, the titles displayed were the title of the movie, the actors of the film, Casting By, Make-up FX Designer, Music By, Costume Designer, Edited By, Production Designer, Director of Photography, Co-Producer(s), Executive Producers, Produced By, Based on, Written By, Directed By. The sequence was bland, not truly having any imagery except a growing jack-o-lantern from being smashed, which added more to the sequence.  The connotation of the images in the opening sequence give it a sense of that something is returning. Since a crushed pumpkin (or jack-o-lantern) is shown returing, as if a day or a time has returned for something terrible

title research :watcher

A film that our group researched was the 2019 horror film "Watcher" We used the site Art of the Title in order to view and research on the film. The film followed our genre of horror films. The opening sequence of the film included titles such as the name of the parent cumpany and subsidies, Film By, the names of the actors of the film, Casing By, Music By, Edited By, Costume Designer, Production Designer, Director of Photography, Produced By, Executive Producer, Created By, Directed By. During the sequence, it's not really a image that is prioritized, but more as a set area in an apartment. The shot shows two people in the apartment while it is zooming out. The connotation of the scene is a feeling of being watched, as if someone was watching the characters within the film. The more that it zoomed out, the more it felt as if there was someone or something watching the characters of the film.  The film establishes a feeling of horror as it gives the audience a feeling of

Title research:watch the titles research

 For the first website researched for titles, we came across 'Watch The Titles!' through Google searches. In Watch The Titles, the website immediately gives categories to what the visitory, in this case us, wants to see: student projects, tv shows, and featured movies. The site was large in the movies in their catalog. They had animated titles, titles made with CGI, and so many other titles. The site was able to meet our needs when it came to researching what we needed for our project. In the descriptions of every title sequence, the site gave background information to each title for each movie. For example, through the website we were able to learn the common camera angles and the elements included within horror title cards. The reason that our group decided to use this website as a method of research is because of the vast titles it contains, as well as the detailed background and process behind the titles. With this site, we are able to understand the title creation, not jus

Title research: Art of the title website

 For one of the website researched for titles, we came across a site called "Art of the Title" through our searches on Google. In Art of the Title, the website gives us a variety of titles that we are able to reseatch about from a variety of genres with what seems to be endless titles. From the site, my group was able to use the large catalog of titles to be able to research what our title could be and whar our title would need to be. The website gives the beginning clip of many movies, but doesn't necessarily include any aditional details. For example, every movie is given the credits of who decined the titles and who the cinematography is by. However, the website does allow for our group to analyze the titles of other websites in order to see what our genre of movie should look like for our final project. What separeates this website from the others seems to be its full list of movies that assists us in being able to use a variety of movies to compare what our title cou

Movie conventions research: child’s play

 Child’s Play (1988) 1. It has horror and is based on a male trapped inside a doll and trying to get out and killing people, not exactly like ours but sorta there. 2. The guy we follow in the movie has a purpose and it’s to get back into a human body. Chucky is smart about what he does and how he does it. His plan on putting himself into a doll then manipulating a child was smart. So it shows that the killer has intelligence which is probably needed to do something that risky.  3. He kills people without reason sometimes, for example when he kills Maggie he really had no purpose in doing so. 

Movie conventions research: Halloween

 Halloween (1978) 1. In the opening scene (and throughout the whole movie) Michael watched his victims before killing them, similar to what we plan on doing. He also wears a mask and our guy will wear one too. 2. While he watches his victims it’s usually quiet so we get a feel of the area or setting, then when he’s about to kill or killing music starts playing making it more suspense. 3. I feel like most kills could’ve been avoided and that people in the movie sometimes just tend to make simple mistakes that get them killed.

Movie conventions research: scream

 Scream(1996) 1. The killer throughout the movie watches the people he’s going to kill before actually killing them. He also wears a mask to hide his identity similar to what we are doing 2. The killer likes to call people before attacking and that adds a touch to his character, the killer is well covered up until the end. They don’t play music or anything till the actual killing which adds suspense. 3. That the lady in the movie (and other characters) tend to make careless mistakes that get them killed or close to death.

Our decision: horror

We really liked the vibe horror movies gave off. Me and my group mates are also very big fan of horror movies.we had a great idea for our pitch with the horror genre.our idea for if our movie intro was horror was to have women getting out of her car, with a man watching her. She goes into house, later man enters and scares her. We also really liked the action  genre. Action was our second choice. we didn’t have many Ideas for how we would have made an opening sequence with the action  genre. Making a action also seemed like it would hav been to complicated since it involved a lot of moving around. We can only imagine how hard the filming and stunts would have been. Our last choice for our movie opening was romance. We liked the idea of a romance but didn’t go with it/ made it our last choice. One of the Main reasons we didn’t use it was because  we did a romance for our music video. For romance would have done a sad film on a couple. One of them was sickly and was dying and they wanted

Genre convention :horror

Horror is a genre that seeks to create a sense of panic, fear, alarm, and dread within its audience. These films often rely on the portrayal of people’s fears and nightmares. Usually centering upon the arrival or occurrence of an evil person, force, or event, they incorporate large amounts of gore within the plot. Common Camera Angles, Movements, and Shots: High angles are a must given that it makes a victim seem powerless and vulnerable by being looked down upon. Close-ups are used to capture strong emotions on characters’ faces such as fear or sadness A tilt is a cornerstone of horror films as it adds dramatic tension to shots that increase a feeling of fear and mystery. POV shots are additionally an immense part of horror films because it shows what the character is feeling and creates combined with other techniques can induce an altered mental state image for the audience. Common Mis-En-Sen:Often within horror movies, the location will often be in isolation or in a domestic setting

Genre conventions blog: action

 The action genre is one where the main character is thrown through a series of obstacles such as physical feats, combats, and chases. Its subgenres include adventure and disaster among others. Common Camera Angles, Movements, and Shots: During emotional scenes, Extreme close-ups shots eye levels angles are common to show internal turmoil High angles and low angles are especially used to establish that clear good guy / bad guy convention that is common in action films. Extreme long shots will be used to establish the scenes and locations. Tracking, especially using a dolly, is common to follow fight scenes to create intensity in the movement. Common Mis-En-Sen:Often set in disheveled or clinically perfect settings; at one extreme or the otherThe lighting dims depending on emotion; darker if a negative emotion.Props :accurate to the time period and location, but often include weaponry such as guns, swords, etc. Actors and characters are often dirty or spotless, portraying a serious tone

Genre conventions: romance

 Some common camera angles and movements that are common in romance movies are high angles, low angles, close- up and extreme close-up. Tracking shot, long shot, medium close up, medium close-up and tilt are also common. Some common sounds that romance movies use are diegetic sound and non-diegetic sound. Dialogue, and ambient sounds are also common.  Some common editing techniques that romance movies use are eye-line match, and shot/reverse shot. Common costumes are regular cloths that people wear every day. Romance movies also use formal dresses, if the actor/characters are going to a ball. They also use it it there are princess romance movies. Common lighting key lighting, back lighting, soft lighting, and motivation lighting. They also use bright lightings. Common acting is that all actors act casually, in love with a person, sad and other emotions. Some common props and sets can be houses, neighborhoods, things that people use in their day today lives are also common in romance fi

Our pitch

 Pitch Blog Pitch A: A women is getting out of her car, there’s a man in the back watching her, goes into house, later man enters and scares her. Pitch B: Friends playing games on facetime, one hears something goes and checks it, comes back things are misplaced, gets worried and panicking, then killed by man. We decided we have to do pitch A because pitch B would be a little harder to fit into a 2 minute span than pitch A. Pitch B would also require us to use some more technology for the part where it shows us playing video games and we don’t all have access to it and would be hard to edit.

Group blog

 For this group project, I will be working with the team I have been working with since the beginning of the year. We are all in the  same grade and have been friends since last year. I am working with George, Julianna, and Jean. I choose to work with this team again because they have good work ethnics. They are all very hard working people and I am glad to be working with them for this project. I am extremely excited to be able to share this experience with them. They all have their own unique traits, they’re motivated to do the best they can and complete work as fast as they can. They  are good at problem solvers and get along well with each other. I’ve known all of them for about a year or so. We are working together but are in different classes. Jean and I take media 2nd period and George and Juliana are in 5th period. This hasn’t been much of an obstacle at all though, except sometimes for communication. We always get our work done on time though.There has been a few times however

Intro blog

 Hello, I am Jocelyn.  I am a sophomore in high school. Both of my parents are from Mexico but I was born here in Florida. I am very artistic and love all forms of art. I have a 3 siblings and a dog named bob. I love film, especially  2D and 3d animated films.  I have worked on previous media projects, like the commercial and music video. Both which were extremely fun to work on. I am looking forward to using everything I’ve learned from previous films for this final project. I have had so much fun in this class and I can’t wait to get started. I do a lot of artistic stuff so usually I storyboard and sometimes come up with ideas. Besides the  story boarding I also do some of filming for the film. But I am happy to help work on anything else that is needed for the film. I am excited to start learning and researching film conventions. It’s something that really interests me. I am very excited to finish this final project and hopefully next year I’ll be able to take a level media studies.