Intro blog

 Hello, I am Jocelyn.  I am a sophomore in high school. Both of my parents are from Mexico but I was born here in Florida. I am very artistic and love all forms of art. I have a 3 siblings and a dog named bob. I love film, especially  2D and 3d animated films.  I have worked on previous media projects, like the commercial and music video. Both which were extremely fun to work on. I am looking forward to using everything I’ve learned from previous films for this final project. I have had so much fun in this class and I can’t wait to get started. I do a lot of artistic stuff so usually I storyboard and sometimes come up with ideas. Besides the  story boarding I also do some of filming for the film. But I am happy to help work on anything else that is needed for the film. I am excited to start learning and researching film conventions. It’s something that really interests me. I am very excited to finish this final project and hopefully next year I’ll be able to take a level media studies. I have really enjoyed media class and I enjoy doing the work. It doesn’t feel like a burden like usual homework assignments do. Media work is fun and simple. I would much rather do media work over any other homework assignment. I’m sure me and my group mates will be able  get through this final project without struggling. I look forward to this and think it’ll be fun. That is it thank you for reading. I hope you have enjoyed reading my intro blog.

This is my dog :)


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