Title research: random acts of violence

 One of the opening sequences that we decided to research was from the 2020 film "Ramdom Acts of Violence." We used the website "Art of the Title" in order to view and research on the opening sequence of the film. The film is a horror movie, which correlates with the genre we are aiming to create.

Within the opening sequence, the titles that were displayed in the first few minutes were the company's name, the director (or in this case "A Film By..."), Casting By, Music By, Costume Designer, Editor, Additional Editing By, Production Designer, Director of Photography, Co-Producer, Co-Executive, Executive Producer, Produced By, Illustrated By, Written By, and Directed By, amongst other titles within the sequence.

In the sequence, there weren't really any images prioritized. The sequence was filled with a lot colors, but not to the point that the titles of the team for the movie was unreadable, but to the point where it was extremely noticable, almost bothersome. However, there were faces that were shown, which could only be assumed to be the faces of character within the movie. They all had a strong stare to the screen, almost as if they were staring at us. They stared in a uncomforting way.

The images of the sequence seem to carry a connotation of uneasiness or confusion. The faces bring the connotation of discomfort and a sense of being stalked or watched. The eyes seemed to just stare, without a sense of movement, which just added to the connotation of an uneasy and discomfort feeling.

The genre establishes a feeling of horror from the outset by flashing these faces, bust specifically the top of their face to only show their eyes in order to make us, the watchers, feel extremely uneasy or worrisome for our safety.

The strategies used included the faces of characters that seemed suspicious, flashing colors, as well as the faces seemed to be discomforting in of themselves, which would most likely rule out children from their targetted audience and would focus more on the adults rather than any younger audience.

The technology was used efficiently by seeming to show more medium close-up angles and using sharp cuts and shaking in order to add more to their sequence to add to the feeling of the horror movie.


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