Genre conventions: romance

 Some common camera angles and movements that are common in romance movies are high angles, low angles, close- up and extreme close-up. Tracking shot, long shot, medium close up, medium close-up and tilt are also common. Some common sounds that romance movies use are diegetic sound and non-diegetic sound. Dialogue, and ambient sounds are also common.  Some common editing techniques that romance movies use are eye-line match, and shot/reverse shot. Common costumes are regular cloths that people wear every day. Romance movies also use formal dresses, if the actor/characters are going to a ball. They also use it it there are princess romance movies. Common lighting key lighting, back lighting, soft lighting, and motivation lighting. They also use bright lightings. Common acting is that all actors act casually, in love with a person, sad and other emotions. Some common props and sets can be houses, neighborhoods, things that people use in their day today lives are also common in romance films.  Common use of makeup can depend on the actors and their roles.


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