Showing posts from April, 2023
Production blog
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Hello and welcome back! This our final production blog. We have finished all of the recording that we needed. We are currently in the process of editing. It is taking a while to cut each clips and edit them.We also filmed a ton of footage so we had to look through it to see what would work for our final film. I am certain we will be able to get this done soon though. We are using cap-cut to edit, which is an editing app we have used before. We used it to edit our music video and our commercial. We decided to use capcut because it is the app we have the most experience with. I think the most difficult part of the editing would be aligning the music with the clips and doing and putting the voice overs in. We recorded outside during a windy day. There was supposed to be a scene where we hear jean talking, because of the wind however the audio is muffled. We decided to fix this by adding a voice over. The voice over is short, there is not much that is says during the film....
Production blog
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Hello and welcome back! This is the final production blog where I will be talking about filming because we’re all done with filming! We finished filming everything we needed for this project. I talked a little about what we did during the last production blog, this will kind of be a part 2, since I feel like this deserves its own blog.first and foremost, we decided to change the sandwich scene to something much more simpler. The clip we originally had was way too long. We needed up changing it to the victim (jean) grabbing a snack at the fridge. The other thing we filmed was the killing scene. This scene was the hardest to record and the most time consuming. We made the mistake of leaving this clip until the end and we’re stressing over it the whole time. This scene was the hardest to record because we didn’t want any cuts in it. The scenes consists of jean (the victim) walking around the house looking through each room and the killer (me) coming from behind and pushing jean off t...
production blog
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Hello and welcome back! On 4/6 our school had an early release day, so we got together to record the last few clips we needed. We recorded for about 4-5 hours. First , we started with the driving scene to just get it over with. This was the only scene Julianna was playing in, so after she just helped record. At 3 Juliana had to leave for a doctors appointment. Julianna was gone for a bit, but it was fine since she wasn’t playing any major roles. Julianna lives in an apartment, so we made sure to only stay inside the apartment parking lot to drive. We made sure it was safe by having Julianna’s dad supervise. The scene was recorded quicker than expected. So we moved onto the next thing. We wanted to re-record the scene where Jean (the victim) walks into the house. We wanted to re-record it because we wanted to killer (me) to be hiding somewhere in the background. At first , I was going to be hiding behind a bush but I wasn’t very visible from the angle we were recording....
Production blog
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Hello, Welcome back! On 4/2 we got together to film more. We filmed for 3 hours. We filmed from 4-7. Since I lived far, I couldn’t stay for that long. Our original date was on 4/1 but we had some mix ups so we had to move the date around. During this recording session we recorded two more of the scenes we needed, leaving us with only 2 more left. We recorded the sandwich scene, and the victim walking out the house scene. The victim scene was easy to record and took us less than 5 tries to get right. We wanted to use a pan for this scene. The ended resulted ended up looking pretty cool in my opinion. The sandwich scene was a bit more complicated. We had a hard time establishing the angles. We kept changing our minds on what angles would look better and had to record over again over a few mistakes. We didn’t argue over the angles, but we did have a few disagreements.When we went back to look at what we recorded we noticed the camera was a bit shaky and the lighting was a littl...