Production blog

Hello and welcome back! This is the final production blog where I will be talking about filming because we’re all done with filming! We finished filming everything we needed for this project. I talked a little about what we did during the last production blog, this will kind of be a part 2, since I feel like this deserves its own blog.first and foremost, we decided to change the sandwich scene to something much more simpler. The clip we originally had was way too long. We needed up changing it to the victim (jean) grabbing a snack at the fridge.  The other thing we filmed was the killing scene. This scene was the hardest to record and the most time consuming. We made the mistake of leaving this clip until the end and we’re stressing over it the whole time. This scene was the hardest to record because we didn’t want any cuts in it. The scenes consists of jean (the victim) walking around the house looking through each room and the killer (me) coming from behind and pushing jean off to a corner and beating him with a bat. Brutal , right? I wasn’t actually hitting jean with a bat I was just pretending. We made sure it was safe by having jean move over to the side when I started pretend  hitting. The camera was purposely angled upwards so you couldn’t see when jean moved over and so it made it look like I was hitting him. In the scene, I’m supposed to come out of a room that jean had already checked. This meant I had a cue for when I had to come out which was when jean made a clanking noise with the bat. I’m supposed to come out, and take the bat away from jean then pretend hit him, he falls, pretend beat him with a bat. I kept missing this cue, due the clank jean was making being too quiet. There was also a certain order that jean was supposed to look through the rooms in order, but he messed up a few times. The part where I’m supposed to  pretend to hit him with the bat was the most anxiety inducing. I did not want in any way hurt jean or break something in the house so I had to be really careful.  I kept hesitating and messing up but in the end, we were able to get everything done without hurting nor breaking anything. Overall , the scene took many takes and was a bit of a hassle. I tried to persuade my group mates to change it up a bit to make the filming process a little easier but they didn’t want to change anything else. It’s alright though, since we got it all filmed. Anyways, that is all for this blog. Thank you so much for reading !


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