Production blog

Hello, Welcome back! On 4/2 we got together to film more. We filmed for 3 hours. We filmed from 4-7. Since I lived far, I couldn’t stay for that long. Our original date was on 4/1 but we had some mix ups so we had to move the date around. During this recording session we recorded two more of the scenes we needed, leaving us with only 2 more left. We recorded the sandwich scene, and the victim walking out the house scene. The victim scene was easy to record and took us less than 5 tries to get right. We wanted to use a pan for this scene. The ended resulted ended up looking pretty cool in my opinion. The sandwich scene  was a bit more complicated. We had a hard time establishing the angles. We kept changing our minds on what angles would look better and had to record over again over a few mistakes. We didn’t argue over the angles, but we did have a few disagreements.When we went back to look at what we recorded we noticed the camera was a bit shaky  and the lighting was a little too dark. The lighting we used in our first few recordings made it hard to see what was going on. we went back and fixed it by adding a small light source using a flashlight. The end result for the sandwich scene was okay. I personally think we could have used a bit more higher angles to show more of what was going on. I’m sure the scene will look better once it’s edited. With that, we are one step closer to finish filming. Hopefully we can plan our next filming session soon.That is all for now. Thank you for reading !


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