Production blog

 Hello and welcome back! This our final production blog. We have finished all of the recording that we needed. We are currently in the process of editing. It is taking a while to cut each clips and edit them.We also filmed a ton of footage so we had to look through it to see what would work for our final film. I am certain we will be able to get this done soon though. We are using cap-cut to edit, which is an editing app we have used before. We used it to edit our music video and our commercial. We decided to use capcut because it is the app we have  the most experience  with. I think the most difficult part of the editing would be aligning the music with the clips and doing and putting the voice overs in. We recorded outside during a windy day. There was supposed to be a scene where we hear jean talking, because of the wind however the audio is muffled. We decided to fix this by adding a voice over. The voice over is short, there is not much that is says during the film. We’d like to keep it more on the quiet side, and only include the use of music and sound effects. While editing we decided to use some transitions and some color overlays to make our film seem more cinematic. We wanted our film to really convey a mood. The person who is currently in the process of editing our film is Julianna. Once Julianna is done, she’ll send it over to me and I’ll look over it for any mistakes in the editing or sound. That is all for this blog. Goodbye and thank you for reading!


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