Production blog

Hello! I think it’s time I start giving a bit more propped introductions to these blogs. Today I am writing about what we are doing currently. Since we are unsure of when we will be able to record again, due to our scheduling issues. We decided to start editing the clips we have. Although we don’t hav all the clips we need for the indoor portion of the film. We have enough for us to work with. Now I have never used an editing software, so I am completely inexperienced. That’s why our editor is Julianna! She edited on of our previous films and it turned out fantastic. So we have quite a bit of faith in her. Besides that, me and my group are looking for the sound we’re going to use. Sound is essential in horror films, especially for this project. Our script has all the places where we need a sound written down. So luckily for us, it was just a matter if finding the perfect sound. Sound is essential for creating suspense and plays a very important role. We look on YouTube and other video sharing platforms for the sounds we needed. Whenever we found one we liked, we would save it. Then we all sent our sounds to our group chat and voted on the sound er felt fit the best. We didn’t just need scary noises tho, we had to find sounds for doors opening, Floors creaking, wind blowing , footsteps, etc. overall, I’d say this was a fun experience. I enjoyed looking for sounds and think we found some goof ones. I look forward to continuing to work on this. That is all, for now. Thank you for reading.


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