Production blog

 We have almost all the information we need before we start filming. There are only a few things left that still need to be decided. We want to have each member of our team have a shot at acting/ participating in the film. At first , our victim was played by a female team member. To break the conventions, however ,  we decided to switch it up a bit. We decided to change the roles and have a female killer and a guy victim. Since usually woman are the victims in distress, we wanted something different.  This change was  a good idea, there are many pros that arose with this decision. First and foremost, in one of our scenes we have a shot that takes place in a car, where one of the actors are driving. The issue with this is that we can’t just have anyone behind the wheel. Our actor driving has to be a female. Luckily for us, the only person on our group who can legally drive is a female! Next, we just have to find a safe place for her to drive and an adult to supervise. During the driving scenes we have to be very cautious and  make sure our actor is focused on driving to avoid any accidents. Our actor has to talk during the driving. So to avoid our actor focusing on remembering lines and getting distracted, we will probably add voice overs. Although we all agreed to the change in stereotypical gender-role  , there was one person I’m the team who was a bit against it.  We originally wanted Jean to be the killer since he hadn’t really gotten the chance to act until now. At first when we first  we told him our idea of making him the victim he was a bit displeased. After explaining our reasoning, we were able to convince him. Finally, we had all agreed on the decision. 


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