
Showing posts from March, 2023

Production blog

Hello ! Welcome back. Been a while hasn’t it? As of currently we have planned our next recording day to be the 1st of April.Which isn’t too far from today. We are still missing a few scenes. We hope to be able to knock everything out our next recording session. But for now, let’s just do what we can. As of right now we’re finished editing the clips that we already have and are just waiting for our next filming session. In the meantime , we have spent our time looking for sounds for the entire film. Not just the parts we already recorded. We’ve also been debating on the music that should be playing in the car scene. We’re also debating on whether or not we should try to get permission to use a certain song. it may be a little too late for that and may not get a response. Even if we’re not able to use a song , free background music from YouTube us always available. We are trying to have a balance between loud and quiet noise.    when you think of horror, most people probably think of lou

Production blog

Hello! At the time of writing this, progress on the editing has been done.    As you read before, we have already picked our sounds for our films and we just need to edit it all in.Although it is not quite fully polished yet and we are still figuring some editing out. We have done a significant amount of progress. We still have a few missing scenes and one scene we have to re-film due to an error that occurred. Since we have yet To decide our next filming day, I decided to make a list of things we’re missing for the film. We are still missing the driving scene, which comes at the start of our film. And the scene before, when the victim walks out into the car. We already have an adult who will be supervising (Juliana’s dad). we just have to find a good location where we can drive and film without disturbing others. We also need to film the victim making themselves a sandwich in the kitchen.we need to    find an extra sound effects for the knife she cuts the bread with. And last but not

Production blog

Hello! I think it’s time I start giving a bit more propped introductions to these blogs. Today I am writing about what we are doing currently. Since we are unsure of when we will be able to record again, due to our scheduling issues. We decided to start editing the clips we have. Although we don’t hav all the clips we need for the indoor portion of the film. We have enough for us to work with. Now I have never used an editing software, so I am completely inexperienced. That’s why our editor is Julianna! She edited on of our previous films and it turned out fantastic. So we have quite a bit of faith in her. Besides that, me and my group are looking for the sound we’re going to use. Sound is essential in horror films, especially for this project. Our script has all the places where we need a sound written down. So luckily for us, it was just a matter if finding the perfect sound. Sound is essential for creating suspense and plays a very important role. We look on YouTube and other video

Production blog

After a bit of discussion, we were able to find a slim amount of time that worked. George worked on Saturday, majority of the day. Julianna worked on Sunday at 4. So we decided to film some partial parts. Filming before Julianna worked was a little tricky. Since Julianna lived a bit far from me (40 mins) it took a while before I was able to get to her house. But In the end I was able to make it, so there’s nothing to complain about. Because this is our first time filming we were in a bit of a hurry and ended up doing some sloppy work. Sloppy work which we will have to redo later. Our main objective for this filming session was to get the scene where the victim is looking around their house. Juliannas house was perfect for this. Her house had many rooms, and she didn’t have many family members home so we weren’t disturbing anyone. The scene we were recording happens during the night. Since we were recording in broad daylight, we had to figure out a way to get rid of the light that came

Production blog

After our slight dilemma was figure out, we had one more obstacle we had to figure out. As students, it is not uncommon for us to procrastinate or have a hard time sticking to one schedule. I find that my group, including me can be quite forgetful. Our issue is how we were gonna schedule accordingly when our team mates participate in extracurricular activities and also work part time jobs. All my team mates (except for me )do band. Band requires my    team mates to do a lot of after school practices. My team mates are most likely not able to film during the week due to practices. That’s fine though ,right? We always have the weekend, right? Unfortunately it is hard to work around my group mates schedules. George and Juliana, two of our group mates, work on the weekends. What’s even worse is that their work shifts are all at different times. Whenever George works, Julianna is free and whenever Julianna works, George is available. In no way is this their faults, though. Its just somethin

Production blog

  We have almost all the information we need before we start filming. There are only a few things left that still need to be decided. We want to have each member of our team have a shot at acting/ participating in the film. At first , our victim was played by a female team member. To break the conventions, however ,     we decided to switch it up a bit. We decided to change the roles and have a female killer and a guy victim. Since usually woman are the victims in distress, we wanted something different.     This change was     a good idea, there are many pros that arose with this decision. First and foremost, in one of our scenes we have a shot that takes place in a car, where one of the actors are driving. The issue with this is that we can’t just have anyone behind the wheel. Our actor driving has to be a female. Luckily for us, the only person on our group who can legally drive is a female! Next, we just have to find a safe place for her to drive and an adult to supervise. During t

