Production blog

After our slight dilemma was figure out, we had one more obstacle we had to figure out. As students, it is not uncommon for us to procrastinate or have a hard time sticking to one schedule. I find that my group, including me can be quite forgetful. Our issue is how we were gonna schedule accordingly when our team mates participate in extracurricular activities and also work part time jobs. All my team mates (except for me )do band. Band requires my  team mates to do a lot of after school practices. My team mates are most likely not able to film during the week due to practices. That’s fine though ,right? We always have the weekend, right? Unfortunately it is hard to work around my group mates schedules. George and Juliana, two of our group mates, work on the weekends. What’s even worse is that their work shifts are all at different times. Whenever George works, Julianna is free and whenever Julianna works, George is available. In no way is this their faults, though. Its just something hard to work around. To solve this issue we have a few possible solutions. either they  prioritize filming over work and call in a day off or film with each person separately. Hopefully we will be able to figure out this issue. It has been a bit challenging but if we  plan accordingly, we’ll be able to get this done. I believe in my teammates that they’ll be able to free up their schedules.


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