Planning blog


Since our music video consists of mostly going around and most likely including just a group of friends, our music video will most likely not include any props. However, if it does include any props, it would most likely be some sort of entertainment device or props that relate to extracurricular activities.
The music video is suppose to be a casual, everyday situation and a normal day, so the costumes will consist of casual wear, or what would be typical of the clothing wore on a typical day, such as jeans and a hoodie, or sweatpants and short sleeve shirt. The purpose is to portray a sort of teenage group, most likely relating to adolescents and younger people currently.

By November 14th, 2022, our group will research about the R&B music genre.
By November 16th, 2022, our group will confirm and set in stone what costumes, props, location lists, back-up plans, and any other necessary pre-recording information.
By November 17, 2022, our group will create and finalize a storyboard for the music video.
By November 28, 2022, we will begin to record the music video.
By December 16, 2022, the music video will be edited and finalized to be submitted.

Location List
The music video aims to create a sort of special bond between two people within a friend group, so the location list will consist of several, teenager activities, such as an arcade, or a park, possibly even a carnival. The goal is to recreate an everyday experience, not some extraordinary situation.

Backup Plan
If, for any reason, our group is unable to make it to the location, then we will improvise with the people that are able to make it to the place. Additionally, if we are unable to get a bigger friend group to act as sort of background characters, then we will continue with the music video recording, no matter the circumstances. If the weather doesn’t hold up, then the location will most likely be moved to INDOOR activities.


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