
Showing posts from November, 2022

Story boards

Scene One - In scene one, the song that we will be using will be presented on the screen, along with the singer and artists of the song, with some sort of shot of some sort of scenery. Scene Two - In scene two, we’re gonna show the friend group that we have receiving texts talking about wanting to hang out together, and they plan to meet up.This scene will most likely include over the shoulder shots of what’s occurring. Scene Three - In scene three, the friends will meet up, with a shot that shows everyone together in a location, most likely a park or some other public location that friends meet. This shot will most likely be a pan shot. Scene Four - In scene four, we will show two of our group mates (this is consensual and they are together) noticing each other, most likely being a bit far from the group in this moment. This scene will most likely include some sort of medium close-up or close-up shot. Scene Five - In scene five, we will show one of the main group members alone receivi

Planning blog

Props Since our music video consists of mostly going around and most likely including just a group of friends, our music video will most likely not include any props. However, if it does include any props, it would most likely be some sort of entertainment device or props that relate to extracurricular activities. Costumes The music video is suppose to be a casual, everyday situation and a normal day, so the costumes will consist of casual wear, or what would be typical of the clothing wore on a typical day, such as jeans and a hoodie, or sweatpants and short sleeve shirt. The purpose is to portray a sort of teenage group, most likely relating to adolescents and younger people currently. Schedule By November 14th, 2022, our group will research about the R&B music genre. By November 16th, 2022, our group will confirm and set in stone what costumes, props, location lists, back-up plans, and any other necessary pre-recording information. By November 17, 2022, our group will create and

Research blog

 For our music video, my group decided to do a song called “Just The Two of Us” by Grover Washington Jr. and Bill Withers. As this song falls under the R&B genre, the targeted audience, at least in the modern age, is African-Americans (due to the history of R&B with that community), as well as the younger people of the world, mostly adolescents to young adults. - R&B music videos typically attempt to catch the audience sense of attraction. - Older R&B music videos showed men as sophisticated and charming, wearing suits, which attracted to the female audience. - Modern R&B music videos show men as attractive and strong. Most men in modern R&B are tattooed and shirtless, attracting most younger women and showing themselves as strong and wealthy. - The artists in modern R&B also have outfits which include, but aren’t limited to: no shirt, or some plain shirt, a strapped back hat, and some sort of dark pants. This gives the look of a stereotypical “person of col

Group blog

  The group I am working with is George, Juliana and Jean. We are all sophomores. Initially, George had reached out to me asking me if I could work with him and Juliana, to which I agreed. It was only until later that I found out Jean had asked to worked with them before hand. I had no problem with this since I was already acquaintances with him.I’ve known all of them since 9th grade and have had classes with them all except for with Juliana. I met George last year during a global class when the teacher was absent. I worked with George for a global project so I am familiar with his work ethics. He is reliable and work committed, but not very punctual. Besides  that,  this is my first time working with the others in a group project. It was by George that I became accountancies with Juliana. I never really talked much with Juliana last year but I think they’re  pretty cool. I’ve never seen how they work in groups nor work places so ,I can’t really say much about them nor their work ethic

Intro blog

    Hello, my name is Jocelyn but a majority of my friends just call me Joce. I am 15 years old and I am in high school. I really  like to draw. I’ve been taking art classes since I was in elementary school. My favorite medium to draw in is painting( more specifically gouache and acrylic ) . I love experimenting and learning new mediums in art. Some of my favorite art movements are :surrealism , impressionism, and post impressionism. My favorite part of art is definitely coming up with colors and color schemes for pieces. I love pastel colors more than anything and really like color schemes with complementary colors. I’m not the best    with art composition yet but i am learning .One of my favorite painters is Van Goh. I also like to play games some of my favorite games being : undertale , legend of zelda , pokémon , animal crossing. my favorite animal are fish (ocean sunfish & ranchu goldfish). I have 3 siblings and a small white dog named bob. my favorite band is