Production blog

Filming blog: record store. 
On Wednesday, October 6th my group and I started filming. Our original plan was to start filming before the store opened at 11 pm. We had previously called the store owner to ask if we could get permission to record the commercial. We were given permission with the condition we brought a paper saying it was for a school project. The store owner specified that it would be preferable we went when the store was closed or when there was no costumers. The store was closed from Monday to Tuesday and was opened 12- 8pm on Wednesday. So, we made our plan to meet and record before the store opened. We did not stick to the plan. There  was complications that made it hard for some of my team mates to get to the store at the time we set. Regardless, everything still worked out and we were at the store ready to record. I was in charge of the store boards so I made sure to bring it so we could get started. All of our recording went smoothly. We were initially going to use Jean as our main actor but he just didn’t seem cut for the role so the spotlight was put onto Julianna. We spent around 2-3 hours recording everything for the commercial at the record store.  since this was the only chance we were going to get to be all together at the same spot since one of our classmates was leaving for a trip we made sure to take extra shots just in case. The record store was pretty small so it was kind of hard to navigate around without being in the way. Sometimes we had to hide in the bathroom  when filming was happening. George brought his camera which we were originally going to use to film but then we switched to his phone since it was better quality. We each came ready with our own costumes and everything was set perfectly before we started recording. Personally, I think the record store was a perfect place to choose for the commercial because of how unique it is. Julianna ended up buying a record to take home. Overall, the recording process was fun and we had little to no problems with it. 



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