Planning blog

 Planning Blog


Since our commercial will be based on a record store, the central prop for our commercial will be vinyl, or anything that can be normally found within a record store, such as turn tables, CDs, and other music related items. Our otherprops may consist of record player(s), merchandise, and band posters.


When the actors are in the scene, our costumes will consist of old-school, retro clothing, from around the 1960s-1980s. This sort of clothing consists of colorful clothes, mostly bright colors. Additionally, the clothing will be very vintage-like, old-fashioned. Since we want to show a time-lapse from those times to modern times, we will also use modern clothing, or what we know as everyday clothing. Everyday clothes may include a casual look, such as jeans and a T-shirt, or jeans in a hoodie; what we would expect to see every day when walking around school or the store. The hard part will be obtaining the 60s-80s clothing style, which in that case we will use tie-dyed shirts and jeans.


By 09/27/2022, our group will research additional conventions and codes within record store commercials.

By 09/29/2022, our group will with set in stone our costumes, props, schedule for progress, location list, and a backup plan in case of any unexpected circumstances.

By 10/03/2022, our group will create a storyboard for our record store commercial.

By AT LEAST 10/11/2022, our group will finalize filming and record the shots that will be used within the commercial.

By 10/14/2022, our group will finalize editing and completing our record store commercial.

Location List

Since this is a record store commercial, we decided on a record store. For our commercial, our main location will be Vinyl Destination, a record store residing near us. We would record our actors within the store checking out the products being sold and presenting them, to bring uniqueness and attraction to the store. 

Our second location would be within a home. Within the home, we would like to record our prop usage, specifically the record player, to work on a transition from home to the store. It will work mostly for an opening to the commercial to add effect.

Backup Plan

In case the store is closed, or the store is extremely full, we would need to relocate to a different vinyl store. The effect and view of the commercial would remain the same, and there would be no need to worry about changing the central plan. If a member is absent, we just move around jobs to fill in for the lost member at that moment, since our members can be an actor if necessary



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