Intro blog

 Hello, my name is Jocelyn but a majority of my friends just call me Joce. I am 15 years old and I am in high school. I really like to draw. I’ve been taking art classes since I was in elementary school. My favorite medium to draw in is painting( more specifically gouache and acrylic ). I love experimenting and learning new mediums in art. Some of my favorite art movements are :surrealism , impressionism, and post impressionism. My favorite part of art is definitely coming up with colors and color schemes for pieces. I love pastel colors more than anything and really like color schemes with complementary colors. I’m not the best  with art composition yet but i am learning .One of my favorite painters is Van Goh. I also like to play games some of my favorite games being : undertale , legend of zelda , pokémon , animal crossing. my favorite animal are fish (ocean sunfish & ranchu goldfish). I have 3 siblings and a small white dog named bob. my favorite band is late night drive band home they’re an indie band i like .I was born and raised in Florida but both of my parents are from Mexico. I used to be able to play piano but i stopped; i am currently trying to learn ukulele. My favorite flowers are marigolds and I like sweet things like candy and cakes.One of my favorites colors is blue. i like stars and space.I love clouds and sunsets the sky is so pretty .I also really like collages and enjoy looking at old art. 

Here is a picture of my dog:



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