
Showing posts from September, 2022

Planning blog

  Planning Blog Props Since our commercial will be based on a record store, the central prop for our commercial will be vinyl, or anything that can be normally found within a record store, such as turn tables, CDs, and other music related items. Our  other props may consist of record player(s), merchandise, and band posters. Costumes When the actors are in the  scene , our costumes will consist of old-school, retro clothing, from around the 1960s-1980s. This sort of clothing consists of colorful clothes, mostly bright colors. Additionally, the clothing will be very vintage-like, old-fashioned. Since we want to show a time-lapse from those times to modern times, we will also use modern clothing, or what we know as everyday clothing. Everyday clothes may include a casual look, such as jeans and a T-shirt, or jeans in a hoodie; what  we would  expect to see every day when walking around school or the store. The hard part will be obtaining the 60s-80s clothing style, which in that case we

Research blog

  For our commercial, my group decided to do a record store. In these commercials, the audience is often shown people walking around the store and enjoying music from the records. Most commercials also include:   -colorful visuals/graphics (often sticking to one specific Triadic/ complementary color scheme ex: red, blue, yellow) .   -upbeat moods and music .   - Voic eovers used to describe the products.   - c ross cutting between two people in the store.   -Sound bridge when showing the outside of the store then inside or the other way around.   -props like records, cassettes, CDs, turn tables, and sometimes instruments and posters.   -C lose-ups and pans of the interior of the store that showcase the shelves and the vinyls are on .   -showcasing famous band records they have in stock.   -a persuasive hook, including a lot of deals (they lay the options out in front of you) .   - Actors dancing to music .   -” retro” styled clothes .   -record store name and location (often at th

Intro blog

  Hello, my name is Jocelyn but a majority of my friends just call me Joce. I am 15 years old and I am in high school. I really  like to draw. I’ve been taking art classes since I was in elementary school. My favorite medium to draw in is painting( more specifically gouache and acrylic ) . I love experimenting and learning new mediums in art. Some of my favorite art movements are :surrealism , impressionism, and post impressionism. My favorite part of art is definitely coming up with colors and color schemes for pieces. I love pastel colors more than anything and really like color schemes with complementary colors. I’m not the best    with art composition yet but i am learning .One of my favorite painters is Van Goh. I also like to play games some of my favorite games being : undertale , legend of zelda , pokémon , animal crossing. my favorite animal are fish (ocean sunfish & ranchu goldfish). I have 3 siblings and a small white dog named bob. my favorite band is la